The Regent hopes that the Australian Government will grant ambulances to a number of health centers in Natuna

REGENT of Natuna Wan Siswandi giving souvenirs to the Australian Embassy Consulate Consultant for Indonesia (special photo)

NATUNA, – The Regent of Natuna Wan Siswandi hopes for the support of the Australian Government in fulfilling the health sector, one of which is the procurement of cars or ambulance boats. This is because a number of Puskesmas in Natuna do not yet have these health infrastructure facilities.

“We are short of ambulances in a number of Puskesmas. We hope that the Australian side will have a grant program,” said Wan Sis – usually called – in amini Deputy Regent Natuna Rodhial Huda during a meeting with Minister-Counsellor Economic, Infrastructure and Investment Australia Tim Stapleton and Counselor Political from the Australian Embassy for Indonesia Sarah Willis in his office, last Tuesday 28 February.

Health, according to the number one person in the border island district in the middle of this Asean country, is a priority sector. Moreover, Natuna, between one sub-district and another, is separated by sea. So that mobility is needed, especially health infrastructure facilities.

“Even in attracting investors, we need maximum health infrastructure, both physical and non-physical. Because every investor wants to invest, they will look into this field, to meet the health needs of employees and so on,” said Wan Sis, adding that the central government has assisted Natuna Hospital in the form of a CT scan device. (*andi surya)

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