Government and Community Collaboration, Muhammad Rudi: The Key to Success in Building Batam

FOREWORD Head of BP Batam Muhammad Rudi (special photo)

BATAM, – Head of BP Batam Muhammad Rudi said collaboration between the government and the community was the key to the successful development of Batam City. Because the new modern city planning will be realized soon.

“The point is, the collaboration,” Rudi’s speech said while attending the inauguration of the West Sumatra Family Association, as well as the peak night of the 2023 International Rumah Gadang Expo (IRGE) on the Engku Putri Plain, Saturday 20 May.

Not forgetting, he invited all Batam people from West Sumatra to take an active role in maintaining a conducive investment climate. Moreover, BP Batam is preparing several strategic plans to accelerate investment realization, both from foreign and domestic capital.

“Increased investment will have a positive impact on Batam’s economic growth. It has been proven that the city’s economy has grown by 6.84 percent throughout 2022,” said the Mayor of Batam.

This figure, continued Rudi, is better than the economic growth of the Riau Islands Province (5.09 percent) and the National (5.31 percent). On the other hand, Batam is also a locomotive for the economy of the Riau Islands Province, because it managed to contribute 82.9 percent of investment realization during the first quarter of January-March 2023.

“I am very optimistic about making Batam a leading investment destination city in Indonesia,” said Rudi while again inviting all elements of society or associations to unite to make Batam City progress.

“I’m fixing Batam, the support of all elements of society is an important asset in completing this development,” he repeated. (*andi surya/public relations of bp batam)

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